ACNC XCubeNXT Software Manual
JetStor SAS 716iS(D) V1
ACNC_JetStor-716iSD_3.7.8_201812071600 *File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it*
JetStor SAS 716iS V2
ACNC_JetStor716iSV2_3.7.7_201812071700.bin *File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it*
JetStor SAS 716iSD V2
ACNC_JetStor716iSDV2_3.7.7_201812071700.bin *File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it*
JetStor SAS 716iS 10G V2
ACNC_JetStor716iS10GV2_3.7.7_201812071700.bin *File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it*
JetStor SAS 716iSD 10G V2
ACNC_JetStor716iSD10GV2_3.7.7_201812071700.bin *File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it*
JetStor X Series Application Note SANOS Connecting to Western Digital Ultrastar Hybrid Storage Platform
JetStor X Series_Application Note_SANOS_Connecting to Western Digital Ultrastar Hybrid Storage Platform
JetStor SAS 712F(D)_716F(D)_724F(D)_742F(D)_764F(D) – V2
JetStor-7XXXFV2-1.56 Notice: File is in archive format. After downloading, you will need to unpack its contents in order to use it. Please upgrade all files in the following order: Master Boot “MBRO” Boot Firmware Upgrading Single Controller: If upgrading from Version 1.51 or earlier, Please Power Cycle Raid Unit. If […]
XCube NAS XN8024R Hardware Manual
XN8024R Hardware Manual_Eng_0425